Friday, December 15, 2023

Why Buy at Coffeehouses When People Can Make Coffee at Home?

I prefer drinking coffee at home. Do you? Except when I'm out and someone invites me for coffee. Then I prefer coffeehouses to my home, which seldom happens. I mean, not many folks invite me for coffee, not even coffee at McDonald's.

Thank God my wife does.

But why do most people opt for coffee shops, especially those in malls? Baristas are one reason, with their expertise and special coffee devices--sophisticated coffee or brew makers, drippers, grinders, shakers and milk steamers, to name some. Pinoy houses don't regularly have them in their kitchens or coffee nooks. Then there are the various coffee flavors and mixes.

I try making my version of special coffee blends using whatever tools I find in my kitchen but end up in disaster, often adding Ovaltine to the weird-tasting concoction to save the expensive ingredients. Ovaltine is a coffee saver for failed coffee experiments, that is, if sweet and creamy is okay with you. You should try it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. A real game changer.

Other folks prefer pure, black coffee, a heavy brew concentrate. I can drink that, though I find it a little too bitter, but it's the healthiest kind of coffee. I sometimes ask for cafe Americano but often have a few spoons of steamed milk added and some brown sugar. Yeah, I usually prefer my coffee with some milk or creamer and a tiny, mini, Lilliputan, nanoscopic amount of healthy sweetener like stevia, monk fruit or yacon syrup. Well, dark brown sugar will also do if there's no other option.

Why the milk or creamer and sweetener? Pure black coffee can harm your intestinal lining eventually and also make your stomach too acidic. But this is not to say I never take my coffee black. I do, probably once or 2 times a week.

But here's the thing. I prefer drinking coffee at home because I can control the blackness, and the milk and sweetener. Second, I avoid the alluring but fat accumulating carb-and sugar-rich flavors they put in fancy coffee. Third, I easily discipline myself to having a mug a day when at home. Fourth, it's much cheaper. And fifth, I avoid crowds. I like sipping coffee alone in quiet places with Jesus. 

Originally, coffee was made and drank at home. But when man (and woman) foolishly decided to get busier and busier (and stayed out more as far away from home), coffee shops came and home-made and home-drank coffee became less interesting. More people also became overstressed, depressed and anxious when they made themselves busier and found refuge in coffee shops with friends while enjoying sweet, flavored coffee which did much to their feeling of well-being and a mysterious sense of elation (not so mysterious, actually, because it's the combined action of caffeine and sugar). 

So now you know why people go to coffee shops. 


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