Sunday, October 8, 2023

Pinoy House of Prayer that Really Works

We all know it--a family that prays together stays together. Sadly, that's often the only reason why we pray--to keep the family intact, safe and prospering.

And we pass on that prayer tradition to every generation so that each generation doesn't really know what prayer is. They think it's anti bad luck.

Basically, prayer is asking God for things. That's what we've been taught. Yeah, but it's more than that. Definitely more. Prayer is regular conversation to develop a deep relationship with God. If talking is used just for asking for things, it can turn relationships sour.

First and foremost, prayer is building intimacy with God. You desperately seek to talk with HIM because you love to and you need to. You just want to be with HIM the whole day, all your life. This is the prayer we should pass on to our kids, that should mark a Pinoy home, even secure a housepinoy. 

Not just pray before meals...or when we're in dire need.

Wrong prayer traditions teach our kids to skip praying or hate it altogether. Worse if it makes them feel obligated to do so to avoid punishment, or as a way to earn God's favor if they give it their best--like a class recitation to get good grades.

No intimate relationship in these things.

Remember the first time you talked with your crush and he or she looked interested? Remember how you looked forward excitedly to have the conversation again and again, and that thought occupying your mind all day? 

Prayer should be the same.


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The email also contains my GCash number in case you want to make a donation, P50 or P100 or whatever amount you have in mind (it will help my church ministry). 

But with or without donation, the 80-plus page e-book is yours for FREE and will help you discover your most inner strengths and manifest them to help you with your career, relationships and life! You also get short NON-Joiner emails.

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