Thursday, April 11, 2024

Borrow as Many Jars to Fulfill Your Dreams

Every Pinoy has an ambitious dream, like helping less fortunate countrymen--not by just giving them jobs but enabling them to reach their dreams, too. What we all need is a job or business that makes us realize our dreams which give our lives meaning. Prosper and help others prosper, too. Cora, had that in her heart.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash.

But what could she do? All she had was a car. Start a grab or taxi business? Food delivery? 

She remembered the story of Elisha the prophet in the bible when he helped a prophet's widow make big money to pay off the big debt her husband left her. Yes, even anointed men of God can have unpaid big debts. Why? Because God has a plan, and often HE uses everyday problems to prove a point--like a big debt--because most times we think we know everything. Well, God loves surprises that demolish our belief paradigms.

So Elisha asked the widow what he had in her house. She said nothing but a small jar (other versions say "flask") of olive oil. Reader, what do you have in your housePinoy? Anyway, Elisha thought that a small jar of oil was enough. He told the widow to go around her neighborhood and borrow empty jars. The King James bible says "borrow" while other versions say "ask." Anyway, this gives us a good picture--she went around asking to borrow jars.

Elisha emphasized: "Don't borrow just a few." God wanted her to make big money. 

Elisha told her to fill the borrowed jars with oil from the small jar she had. You know what? The oil in the small jar didn't run out. The widow and her children kept pouring oil into the empty jars. WOW! When all the jars were filled up the oil stopped flowing. Elisha told her to sell the jars of oil and use the money to pay off the debt. They could use the money left for themselves. 

How much were they able to get from the sales? Must have been quite big, because the creditor was threatenting to take her two sons and make them his slaves if she failed to pay the debt. It was that big, costing two lives, and the sales from the oil paid it all off, and the excess money was big enough that Elisha said she and her sons could "live on what is left." I know what she probably thought. "I should have borrowed more jars." Here's the whole story.

Sometimes You Need to Borrow Jars

I read in a commentary somewhere that jars at the time were expensive because they were used to keep water and wine, among other things, and these were pricey commodities then. So she borrowed costly jars, and though it isn't mentioned in the bible, I know she returned those jars to their owners later--because they were borrowed. 

See that? She needed to borrow jars. That was what the man of God thought God had wanted her to do. Sometimes we need to borrow something of great value in money to pursue what would keep us, not just debt free, but even prosperous. A lot of people won't believe that sometimes it is God's will for you to borrow money, and big sum of money at that. 

Sometimes God would just directly provide you money to pay off something, like when Jesus told Peter that the first fish he'd catch carried in its mouth the money for paying off their temple tax. Sometimes God would tell you to do a livelihood, like Paul's tentmaking business. But sometimes, before you can do anything, God would first tell you to borrow something for a capital and use that to make money with something that has been in your possession. 

Borrow something to make money with something you already have.

Refinancing Principle

After seeing this principle, Cora did just that. She had a car and used it as collateral to borrow money for re-financing. It was good that she found a loan company that just needed a copy of her OR/CR to use as collateral to borrow half a million. The loan company did not possess her car; it just needed her OR/CR and some documents. 

With the loaned money, she started three food franchises and eventually was able to pay off her loan, continually making big extra profits with what remained. Later, she ventured on a franchise of a well-known fastfood chain and borrowed 2M for the purpose. This, too, she eventually settled and gained 4 profitable franchises in all. She hired people she later helped with refinancing using their secondhand vehicles as collateral so they could start their own dream businesses, too. She also started supporting charity work, church ministries and missions and sending select young people to colleges.

It's okay to borrow money, preferably from reputable financing and refinancing companies than from individuals, as long as you pay it back. It's not a sin, and it's not greed or worldliness. With God's wisdom and leading, it is shrewdness when dealing with lack-of-money matters. Why don't I prefer borrowing from individuals? Because of being indebted to them eternally for lending us their money. "Utang na loob" in Tagalog, which to some people cannot be repaid. I hate being shackled with unpayable debt of gratitude. So I prefer loan companies. Once you pay it back, it's history. No indebtness.

Where to Re-Finance?

I am a loan consultant accredited by Global Dominion Financing, Incorporated and I can guide you with financing or re-financing to turn your collateral into big cash for business, schooling, your dream house, travel and tour or any purpose in mind.

 For more information simply email at Or use my Messenger.


Though I appreciate a donation, this powerful e-book is yours with or without it. I just want to help you get fit, strong and healthy at any age. Just email me at (NONJoiner is my blog) and ask for the FREE E-book, "MY SIMPLE SECRETS TO FITNESS." 

You get an email back in about 20 seconds or less with a download link to the e-book plus a bonus e-book on success in job interviews. The email contains my GCash number in case you want to make a donation, P100 or whatever amount you have in mind (it will help my church ministry). 

But with or without donation, the 80-plus page e-book is yours for FREE and will give you ideas on how I got back in shape from feeling so sickly and how I manage to be without maintenance meds by just doing simple but effective workouts you can do at home or anywhere you are.

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