Sunday, March 24, 2024

Workout Saga of a Pinoy Home Blogger in Summer

Summer is the time to start being fit and healthy. That was the thought that crossed my mind in high school when I decided to start my simple calisthenics. I started with stretching, running and pull-ups. 

But fitness and health choose no particular time to be started. Start anytime. START NOW! Back in high school (first year) I had already been training in karate as a brown belt, mentored by my blackbelt friend, Angie, who was a member of the Philippine Karate Association. He supervised me until I earned my blackbelt in fourth year high school. We sparred and he checked my kata forms. 

I later figured that calisthenics were not enough to build a strong body and mind for karate. I started pull-ups and running. Later, I added push-ups and some weight training. With workout perseverance, I got an athletic fit that formed a nice, lean V-shape body that expanded my sides, resembling an angry cobra when flexed---or even when at rest. It was why I was given the alias "Cobra" when I joined Tau Gamma Phi in FEU as a solo batch.

In college, my workout project was to do 50 push-ups and 70 squats. When I did them in 4 sets, I did 200 push-ups a day and more than 400 squats a day. It was awesome, developing in me a strong determination, patience, will and confidence, besides toning my muscles, giving me stamina and muscle strength. Much later, these no-gym, no-equipment floor workouts gave me an incredible edge when I started with serious weight training at the home gym of my childhood friend, Arturo, or Thor, as I fondly call him. I developed muscles of a novice bodybuilder.

But that was short-lived. Life became a lot more busy when I married and had sons, and much later the busyness resulted to some strange illnesses that took away my strength physically and mentally. My doc said I was suffering from depression and anxiety. I had (and have) a very happy marriage and family life, with some usual small problems, of course, but nothing that would warrant a severe depressive emotion. 

We all have bouts of depression and anxiety--even Jesus had them and the Psalmist--not to mention Job, but I could not figure out how my depression could trigger strange illnesses. All my medical tests had normal results, so even my doc was puzzled. She wanted to give me a small dosage of valium, but I didn't take it. I told the illnesses to get out!

You know what I did take? Long, continuous talk sessions with Jesus in quiet moments. I had these moments before the illness came, but this time I had them more intensely, probably as intense as Jacob's when he wrestled with God and didn't let go until God's angel touched his hip to give him a limp, and which changed his name to Israel. 

I also had a name change, and more resolve to get out of the stupid situation and fight depression and anxiety that weren't supposed to be there. I was angry. 

From being bed-ridden, I got out of the box and started working out again---starting with walking around our housePinoy to walking briskly around the yard, and then in the street, and then around the block. This period took months. After a year or two or so, I was back in business. Thank GOD, no more depression and anxiety related illness. From 3 push-ups a day, I progressed steadily to 30 and then 50 push-ups per set. And gradually, I returned to my weight training plus Filipino martial arts. I am able to lift weights again. I have normal complete blood test results, no maintenance meds, and normal vital signs. Normal everything at 64. Praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!

The thing is to determine to start being fit and healthy NOW. It's never too late. I have my simple secrets to my kind of fitness that I share in my free e-book found below. The secrets won't turn your body into a Mr. Universe physique, but fit enough for your age, especially if you are my age. Mix the secrets with bible faith, prayer and a healthy diet (low carbs with intermittent fasting now and then) and you're on your way to a fitness just right for you. 

You can do the workouts right inside your housePinoy. No need for gym equipment or membership, though which are also good if you want them. And don't forget to check with your medical doctor before you start anything. If he gives you a go signal with these fitness secrets, congratulations. But I'm sure your doc will approve at least 2 to 3 workout secrets in my e-book, especially brisk walking.


Though I appreciate a donation, this powerful e-book is yours with or without donation. Just email me at (NONJoiner is my blog) and ask for the FREE E-book, "MY SIMPLE SECRETS TO FITNESS." You get an email back in about 2 seconds or less with a download link to the e-book. The email also contains my GCash number in case you want to make a donation, P100 or whatever amount you have in mind (it will help my church ministry). But with or without donation, the 80-plus page e-book is yours for FREE.

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