Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tip for Perfect Ventilation

There are rooms that lack sufficient ventilation, especially in compact houses where you find rooms sandwiched between rooms or built in the middle of the house. How do you make air circulate well so that such rooms wouldn't feel too hot to be in?

Install electric fans? You may get air that way but without enough openings to circulate fresh air in, you may end up getting sick with a respiratory ailment. Air conditioning? Yes, but brownouts will be your next problem. I've seen bedrooms like that and it's like hell in them especially during summer. No matter how small a bedroom is or how sandwiched by other rooms, try your best to have it well ventilated.

A well ventilated room is very important. If you're planning to put up a new bedroom make sure two of its walls face an open space where you can open windows. A room should have at least two windows. This is the best tip for ventilation.

Two openings on different sides of a room make air pass through it. The ideal condition is to have two windows opposite each other so air can easily enter your room and exit to the other opposite window. The next best thing is to have a window on a wall adjacent (but not on the same side) to a wall with a window. Having two windows on the same side will defeat the purpose of ventilation. Air will not pass through to enter your room.

If your room has only one window because all other walls are walls of another room, you may use the window of the room next to it. Apply an opening at the top of your windowless wall so that air can pass through and exit out the window of the other room. Just put wooden louvers or other decorative barriers on the opening.

The principle here is as simple as a can of liquid milk. If you put just one hole on the can and try to pour the milk out, it won't. But put two holes opposite each other and the milk flows out easily. The same with air in a bedroom. You need two windows on different sides.

For building small bedrooms in limited house areas, I recommend allowing small cut corners in each room to make way for a small opening for a window, aside from the main window--so you'd have two windows each room. It will reduce the area of the room, but it will mean better ventilation. In a bedroom, good ventilation is among the priority.

Poor Ventilation, Poor Life Quality

Poor ventilation means you get poor air circulation whenever you are in the room. If you sleep there, you'd feel lousy in the morning. Poor oxygen supply means less oxygen in the brain, and that means poor brain performance in school or at the office. It may also mean bad temperament--like, you'd get easily angry or disappointed.

Much later, poor ventilation affects your lungs and your overall health.

So, make sure your bedroom--and every living area in your house--gets perfect ventilation. Never mind if your house isn't the best looking in the neighborhood--as long as you breathe well in it.

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